Unpublished Research
"Field Report. Somaliland, 18.06.-18.12.2005".
Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, 22.02.2006,
44 pp.

"Ethiopia: An Inventory of 28 Conflicts",
Internal Draft Report, UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis Abeba,
January 2003, 144 pp.

"Mission Report: Southern Oromia and SNNPR,
05.06.2002-19.06.2002", UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis
Abeba, 12 pp.
Contribution to Raymakers, Benoit: "Humanitarian
aspects of Liben and Afder zones in Somali Region at the end of
Jilal", Assessment Mission 26.02.-08.03.2002, Internal Discussion
Paper, UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis Abeba.

"Mission Report: Election Observation in SNNPR,
21.12.2001-23.12.2001", UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis
Abeba, 10 pp.
"Mission Report: Northern Somali Region, 28.11.2001-04.12.2001",
UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, 18 pp.

"Schwierigkeiten und Chancen von NGOs bei der
Gewaltprävention in afrikanischen Konflikten" [Problems
and options for NGOs in preventing violence in African conflicts]
(with Ekkehard Forberg), Monte Sole Peace School, manuscript, November
2000, 47 pp.

"Small Arms in Hiran Region / Somalia (Focus:
Arms Trade)"(with Ekkehard Forberg), prepared for the International
Resource Group on Disarmament and Security in the Horn of Africa,
Nairobi, June 1998, 19 pp.
"Small Arms Transfers in the Horn of Africa
- A Literature Review" (with Ekkehard Forberg), prepared for
the International Resource Group on Disarmament and Security in
the Horn of Africa, Nairobi, March 1998, 45 pp.

Contributions to: Küchenmeister, Thomas/Nassauer,
Otfried: ">Gute Mine< zum bösen Spiel? Landminen
made in Germany"[Are there 'good' landmines? Landmines made
in Germany], Idstein 1995.
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