Lectures and Presentations
Panel discussion on "Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen ziviler Konfliktbearbeitung: Brennpunkt Somalia" [Opportunities
and limitations of civilian conflict resolution in Somalia]. Zivik
Forum, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) [Institute for
Foreign Cultural Relations], Berlin, 12.11.2008

Panel discussion on Somalia. With Ludger Schadomsky,
Deutsche Welle. University of Bonn, Center for Development Research
(ZEF), 17.01.2007
"Somalia 2007: Somalia's endloser Krieg: Im
Teufelskreis von Staatskollaps und Militärintervention?"
[Somalia's endless War: Caught in the Viciuos Cycle of State Collapse
and Foreign Intervention?"]. Ringvorlesung "Afrika - Europas
verkannter Nachbar", Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institut,
Situationsbericht zur Lage in Somalia [Situation
Briefing on Somalia], Arbeitsgruppe Außenpolitik der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion
[Foreign Policy Caucus of the Social-democratic Parliamentary Group],
Berlin, 16.01.2007
Vorlesung: "Ursachen und Dynamik lokaler und
regionaler Konflikte - Das Beispiel Somalia" [Lecture on the
causes and dynamics of the Somali conflict], Universität Duisburg-Essen,

"Staat und Sicherheit von unten? Einsichten
aus Somaliland" [State and Security from below? Insights from
Somaliland], Workshop: "Sicherheit unter dem Vorzeichen prekärer
Staatlichkeit? Gibt es Alternativen zum staatlichen Gewaltmonopol?"
[Security under fragile statehood - are there alternatives to the
state monopoly of force?], Institut für Afrikakunde, Hamburg,
"Alternative Formen der Staatlichkeit am Beispiel
Somaliland" [Alternative Statehood: The Example of Somaliland],
Seminar "Staat in Afrika", Institut für Völkerkunde,
Universität Köln, 07.07.2006
"Far beyond Anarchy: Local Governance in Somaliland",
Panel Presentation, "Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace",
Bi-Annual Conference of the International Peace Research Association,
Calgary, 29.06.-03.07.2006

"African Regional Parliaments / Parliamentary
Bodies as Engines of Integration: Current State and Challenges".
Roundtable on "The Interface between Regional Parliamentary
Bodies and the Pan-African Parliament", SADC Parliamentary
Forum/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Namibia), Lusaka, Zambia, 08./09.08.2005.

"Staatsverfall als friedens- und entwicklungspolitische
Herausforderung: Wie können Gewaltstrukturen transformiert
und Governance-Ansätze gestärkt werden?", DSF/AFB
Workshop Friedenskonsolidierung, Hannover, 03./04.12.2004
"Governance and State Failure" (with Dr.
Tobias Debiel). Kooperation der GTZ mit deutschen Afrika-Instituten
[GTZ Co-operation with German Africa Institutes]. Eschborn, 03.11.2004
"Local and Regional Formation of Governance
under Conditions of State Failure - The Case of Somaliland".
Governance and African Development Summer School 2004, University
of Stellenbosch (South Africa), 10.09.2004.
Comment on "External Actors in Stateless Somalia
- A War Economy and its Promoters" during a roundtable discussion
at the Bonn International Center for Conversion, 15.04.2004.

Comment on the "Case Study Ethiopia".
ZEF Workshop on "Human Security, Good Governance and Structural
Stability - Helpless Concepts in Times of State Failure?",
Bonn, 20.11.2003.
"Die äthiopische Außen- und Regionalpolitik:
Zwischen Kooperation und Hegemonie" [Ethiopia's Foreign and
Regional Policies: Between Cooperation and Hegemony] and "Von
der Dezentralisierung zur Re-Zentralisierung? Äthiopiens innenpolitische
Entwicklung" [From Decentralisation to Re-Centralisation? Developments
in Ethiopia's Domestic Politics]. Annual Seminar of the "Hermannsburger
Mission", Hermannsburg, 14.11.2003.
"Emerging State Entities and Democratic Transformation:
International Responses and Perspectives" (with Dr. Tobias
Debiel). Political Forum of the Academy for Peace and Development.
Hargeisa (Somaliland), 25.09.2003.
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