PhD Project:
Governance after State Collapse -
The Case of Somaliland
Since September 11, wars accompanied by the erosion of statehood
and the establishment of structures of violence beyond state control
are ranked high on the international political agenda. Formerly
neglected, "hopeless cases" such as Somalia have regained attention.
Against this background, this PhD project undertakes qualitatively
orientated field studies examining the political and societal dimensions
of governance structures emerging after state collapse. Its main
objective is to learn what factors led and lead to the formation
of relatively stable, socially accountable and legitimate structures
of governance that are capable of and willing to abolish arbitrary
violence. To this end, it scrutinizes the formation and transformation
of Somaliland's governance structures, seeking to understand how
and why they function and survive. Emphasis is placed on governance
aspects that relate to conflict, which is inextricably found at
the center of governance emergence processes in the aftermath of
violent state collapse.
Academically, the study distinguishes itself by particular attention
to sub-national governance structures (of the three regions Awdal,
Sanaag and Togdheer), and their interplay with the national level.
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