Own Media Articles
"Dossier Innerstaatliche Konflikte: Konfliktportrait Somalia".
Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. April 2007.
"Das bestgehütete Geheimnis von Afrika"
[The best-kept secret of Africa] (with Hannelore Wallner). Zürcher
Oberland (ZO), 14.12.2005, p.12.
"Faking a Government for Somalia. International diplomacy
supports fictitious peace process" (with Tobias Hagmann). Editorial
& Commentary, Sub-Saharan Informer (Addis Ababa), Friday, 29
July 2005, p.9. Also published in the Somaliland Times (Hargeisa),
on Somalilandcenter, Insidesomaliland, Awdalnews.
"Somalias fiktiver Friedensprozess: Neue Briefkasten-Regierung
statt Konfliktregelung" [Somalia's fictitious peace process:
Another mailbox government instead of conflict resolution] (with
Tobias Hagmann), Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 03.03.2005, p.9

"Summary of Discussions", in: International Policy Dialogue:
"Good Governance in Africa - a Parliamentarians' Forum on Real
Policies in North and South", InWEnt International Capacity
Building, Berlin, 21.-23.10.2004, p.61-82
"Governance and Democracy in Post-Conflict Situations: Entry
Points and Options for External Support" (with Dr. Tobias Debiel),
in: Forum. Newsletter of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab
Countries, Iran and Turkey, Vol.11, No.4 (Winter 2004), p.1-5.
"NEPAD - Parliamentarians want to be involved", in:
D+C Development and Cooperation 12/2004, p.479.
"Civilian crisis prevention. ZEF advising the German Federal
Government" in: ZEF News, No.16, October 2004, p.3.
"Failing States: In search of a development policy concept"
(with Astrid Grub), in: D+C Development and Cooperation 1/2004,
p.40-41. http://www.inwent.org/E+Z/content/archive-eng/01-2004/stud_art4.html

"Somaliland: Building governance bottom-up" (with Dr.
Tobias Debiel), in: ZEF News, No. 14, December 2003, p.1-2.

"Small Arms in Somaliland - Local Control Could Be A First
Step" (with Ekkehard Forberg), in: Conflict Trends No.4, 1999,
ACCORD, South Africa, p. 20-23.
http://www.ulf-terlinden.de/docs/1999Conflict_Trends.pdf (1,7 MB)
"Waffenkontrolle als Baustein zum Frieden. Das Beispiel Kleinwaffen
in Somaliland" [Arms control as a component of peace](with
Ekkehard Forberg), in: Wissenschaft und Frieden [Science and Peace],
17 (1999) 4, p. 59-61.
"Somaliland. Kleinwaffen in Somaliland" [Small arms
in Somaliland] (with Ekkehard Forberg), in: Afrika - Konflikte und
Friedensarbeit [Africa - conflicts and peace efforts]. AGKED info,
August 1999, No.8, p. 2-5.
"Kleinwaffen in Somaliland - Vor-Ort-Kontrolle könnte
ein erster Schritt sein" [Small arms in Somaliland - local
control could be a first step] (with Ekkehard Forberg), in: antimilitarismus
information, 29 (June 1999) 6, pp.22-28 and in: Friedensforum. Rundbrief
der Friedensbewegung, 12 (September 1999) 5, p. 16-17. http://www.friedenskooperative.de/ff/ff99/5-17.htm
"Ziellose Erweiterung" [Aimless Expansion], in: Friedensforum.
Rundbrief der Friedensbewegung [Peace Forum. Newsletter of the peace
movement], 12 (January/February 1999) 1, p. 29-30.
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