"No more Grass grown by the Spear. Addressing
Land-based Conflicts in Somaliland" (with Mohamed Abdi, Safiya
Tani, Nasir Osman and Jan Stockbrügger), Academy for Peace and Development
(APD) and Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), Hargeisa 2008,
64 pp. (2,8

"African Regional Parliaments / Parliamentary Bodies as Engines
of Integration: Current State and Challenges". Presented at
the Roundtable on "The Interface between Regional Parliamentary
Bodies and the Pan-African Parliament", SADC Parliamentary
Forum/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Namibia), Lusaka, Zambia, 8-9 August
"Promoting Good Governance in Post-Conflict Societies"
(with Dr. Tobias Debiel), Discussion Paper, German Technical Cooperation
(GTZ), Eschborn 2005, 45 pp.

"African Regional Parliaments - Engines of Integration and
Democratisation?". Background Paper on International Development
Cooperation, Africa Desk of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Bonn,
September 2004.
"IGAD Paper Tiger Facing Gigantic Tasks", Briefing
Paper on International Development Cooperation, Africa Desk of the
Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Berlin, February 2004, 21 pp.

"Menschliche Sicherheit, Good Governance und Strukturelle
Stabilität: Hilfslose Konzepte in Zeiten des Staatsverfalls?
Eine Überprüfung anhand von Nepal, Äthiopien, Afghanistan
und Nordkorea"[Human Security, Good Governance and Structural
Stability: Helpless Concepts in Times of State Decay? An Assessment
employing Nepal, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and North Korea] (compiled
with Daniel Lambach and Florian Kühn), Workshop Documentation,
Bonn, 20/21 November 2003, 21 pp.

"NGO Actors" in: "Record of Preventive Capacities.
Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention". Survey by the Conflict
Prevention Network (CPN), Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin
September 2001
"'Stability Enlargement' - A Win-win Solution for Enlarging
NATO and the EU" (with Otfried Nassauer), BITS Policy Note
01.4, Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security (BITS),
Berlin, June 2001, 8 pp. » pdf (48

"Die Erweiterung der NATO und ihr Verhältnis zu Rußland"
[The expansion of NATO and its relationship to Russia], Research
Report 99.3, Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security
(BITS), Berlin, December 1999, 24 pp.
"Small Arms in Somaliland: Their Role and Diffusion"
(with Ekkehard Forberg), Field Report, Berlin Information Center
for Transatlantic Security (BITS), Nairobi/Berlin, March 1999, 66
pp. » pdf (1,2
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