"Somaliland - 'home grown' peacemaking and
political reconstruction", in: Bradbury, Mark/Healy, Sally
(Eds.): "Whose peace is it anyway? Connecting Somali and international
peacemaking", Accord, Issue 21. London: Conciliation Resources
in collaboration with Interpeace 2010. ISBN 978-1-905805-14-3.
(3,1 MB)
Also see:
"Emerging Governance in Somaliland: A Perspective
from Below", in: Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria / Sommer, Monika (Eds.):
"Hot Spot Horn of Africa Revisited - Approaches to Make Sense
of Conflict". Münster: Lit Verlag 2008. ISBN 978-3-8258-1314-7.
"Making Peace, Rebuilding Institutions: Somaliland
- a Success Story?" (with Mohammed Ibrahim), in: Harneit-Sievers,
Axel / Spilker, Dirk (Eds.): "Promoting Democracy under Conditions
of State Fragility - Volume 2: Somalia", Heinrich Böll
Stiftung, Nairobi, 2008.
German version:
English version:
"Somalias endloser Krieg: Im Teufelskreis von
Staatskollaps und Militärintervention" [Somalia's endless
war: In the vicious cycle of state collapse and military intervention],
in: Däubler-Gmelin, Herta / Helfrich, Ann Kathrin / Münzing,
Ekkehard / Walther, Christian (Hrsg.): "Afrika. Europas verkannter
Nachbar", Band 2, Ansichten und Einsichten aus Theorie und
Praxis. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag 2008. ISBN 978-3-631-56571-1.

"Clanstrukturen und ethnische Gruppen am Horn von Afrika",
in: "Wegweiser zur Geschichte: Horn von Afrika" [Clan
structures and ethnic groups at the Horn of Africa], Militärgeschichtliches
Forschungsamt der Bundeswehr, Potsdam: Schöningh, April 2007.

"Deceptive Hope for Peace? The Horn of Africa Between Crisis
Diplomacy and Obstacles to Development" (with Dr. Tobias Debiel),
in: Peace, Conflict & Development: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
Issue 4, April 2004, Bradford, 23 pp.

"Trügerische Friedenshoffnungen? Das Horn von Afrika zwischen
Krisendiplomatie und Entwicklungsblockaden" [Deceptive Hope for
Peace: The Horn of Africa between Crisis Diplomacy and Development
Deadlocks] (with Dr. Tobias Debiel), feature article in: Hofmeier,
Rolf and Mehler, Andreas (Ed.): Afrika-Jahrbuch 2002. Hamburg 2003.

"A Failure of Dedication: International Development NGOs in the
Field of Violence Prevention", in: Journal of Peacebuilding and
Development, Vol.1, No.1, November 2002, p.57-68.

"Should there be a global ban on development and production
of high-technology light weapons?", in: Seltzer, Jennifer (ed.):
"Science, Technology, and Ethical Priorities", Student
Pugwash USA, Washington 1997, p.189-193.
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